Love AFFIRMATIONS For A Specific Person [Romance-MAGNET]

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We have a beautiful collection of love affirmations created for a specific person. 40 Images are included that you can send or share on SOCIAL media.

If you want to attract love into your life, you must first give love. The affirmations for love we list here will help you become a loving person.

People cannot live without air, food, water, and love. As you can see, among the four things necessary for life, only love is immaterial. Find love in your life with these positive affirmations for love.

Love has many forms. Love between a mother and her child, between two friends, between two lovers, between two lifelong partners, and so on. So, we see in society when people are not able to find love among people, many tend to adopt pets. So, in one form or another, love must exist in life.

Below, you will find affirmations for bringing love into your life. However, just because you want love does not mean you will receive love. First, you have to give love. Only when you give love will you receive love. And in order to give love, you must first love yourself!

There are different ways to experience love. Some like to be touched and felt, some like to hear love whispers in their ear, and some like to have love demonstrated through gifts. Be a person full of love. We attract those people into our lives who are the mirror of our personality.

So if you want people to love you, you better start loving people. Use love affirmations. Let the following love affirmations be your constant companions. Make your own, if you feel like it.

Combine two or more positive affirmations to attract your special person and repeat them more and more, preferably in front of a mirror, at least a hundred times a day, for six to seven months. As time goes on you will become a loving person and you will attract more and more loving people in your life.

*If you are using our images on your website, make sure to put a link back to us. THX.

Love affirmations to attract a specific person

I feel eternally grateful to have you in my life

I feel eternally grateful to have you in my life

We both give our relationship all the attention we deserve

We both give our relationship all the attention we deserve

I just love how we hit it off so easily, and have so much in common

We experienced wonderful chemistry right from the start

The Universe wants the most fulfilling, wonderful love for me

I am comfortable with expressing myself to my partner

I am comfortable with expressing myself to my partner

I will continue to give love as I receive it

I want to fall in love with this person over and over again, every day

commitment in relationship quote

I am ready to be the person they need me to be in the relationship

I will put the needs of my partner above anyone else

Affirmations for manifesting specific person

My specific person always thinks about me

My specific person only has eyes for me

My specific person only has eyes for me

My specific person cares about how I feel

My specific person is dire to spend the rest of his/her life with me

My specific person is dire to spend the rest of his/her life with me

My specific person loves me without any condition attached

My specific person loves me without any condition attached

first crush quote

My crush wants to be around me more than anyone else in the world

I am the person that my crush falls deeply in love with now

I am the person that my crush falls deeply in love with now

I inspire an immediate interest in my specific person because of how amazing I am

love affirmation about my crush

Every time my crush looks at me they feel deep, passionate love for me

spending time with you quote

There’s nothing that would make them happier than spending every moment with me

More affirmations from our website





Affirmations About Love For That Special Person

My specific person is always trying their best to make me happy

My specific person is always trying their best to make me happy

We are excited to talk to each other every single day

My relationship with my specific person is loving and harmonious

supportive and love affirmations

My specific person is incredibly supportive of me

My specific person and I communicate with each other in a loving way

My partner and I are in a loving, committed, and strong relationship

having fun with partner quotes

My partner and I have fun all the time

My partner and I go out of our way to support each other

My partner and I go out of our way to support each other

My partner and I laugh every day. I am focused on growing a healthy relationship

Trust in my partner is growing stronger every day

Love Affirmations For Your Crush

I feel surrounded by love everywhere

I receive love in abundance from everyone I meet

I am in seventh heaven when I am alone with my specific person

I am in seventh heaven when I am alone with my specific person

My partner and I are perfect matches for each other

My partner and I have set healthy boundaries in our relationship

I am releasing my fears and embracing my future

give and receive love quote

I am now open to give and receive love

My special someone quote

My special someone will come at the right time

love affirmations for soulmate

I deserve a true partnership with my soulmate

Real love starts with me quote

Real love starts with me

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